Updated README
Setup for new era of the project
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 23 additions and 28 deletions
@ -1,32 +1,27 @@
# AutoMod
<div align="center">
The best moderation bot for Revolt! \
<sub><sup>Or so they say...</sup></sub>
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Moderation bot for Revolt Chat
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AutoMod aims to protect your community from spam and malicious actors. It offers powerful moderation tools, an infraction system, a web interface and in the future will be able to automatically prevent raids and ban malicious actors.
<img src=".assets/demo.gif" />
AutoMod aims to protect your community from spam and malicious actors. It offers powerful moderation tools, an infraction system, and a web interface.
## Features
* Basic moderation features, including kick, ban, warn, purge, and timeout
* Infraction system, which logs all moderation events
* Configurable antispam rules
* Web interface for easy configuration
* Fully configurable bot prefix
* Permission system for moderation commands
- Basic moderation features: Kick/Ban/Tempban/Warn
- Infraction system which logs all moderation events
- Rudamentary configurable antispam rules (If user sends more than X messages per Y seconds, delete/warn/send message)
- Web interface for easy configuration
- Fully configurable bot prefix
- Permission system for moderation commands
- Votekick system to allow trusted users to remove users while no moderator is available*
- Act on messages based on regex matches (delete/warn/send message)*
- Log moderation events, message edits and deletions to a Revolt channel or Discord Webhook*
- Scan user profiles and alert moderators of suspicious users (Wordlist is private and provided by the bot admin)*
- And more is planned!
\* Technically a feature, but not yet configurable without database access. If you would like to set any of these up right now, feel free to get in contact with me.
## Donations
If you want to support this project, check out [this page](https://janderedev.xyz/donate). If you don't want to help financially, feel free to join [my server](https://rvlt.gg/jan) and provide mental support in the form of catgirls instead!
## Add the bot
What are you waiting for? Simply click [this link](https://app.revolt.chat/bot/01FHGJ3NPP7XANQQH8C2BE44ZY) to add the bot to your server.
Reference in a new issue